Successful SEO for a Midlothian horse transporter
25th June 2013
At the start of the year we met Gavin Jamieson, a horse transport company based in Midlothian. We had created a new website for him, and now it was time to make sure it would appear in a good position in Google and generate leads. To get him to rank well, we focused our activity […]

App store optimisation: the next big thing?
17th June 2013
How many app stores scattered around the Internet? I haven’t taken the time to count them. My most recent search on Google returned over one billion hits. When I have some spare time I may just check them all out; then again, maybe not. Of one thing I am certain; ‘app culture’ for want of […]

Microformats… What on Earth?
2nd August 2011
We take a look at Microformats and how their easy to use format and rich snippets make them a perfect developer’s tool for improving a website’s SEO.